
Virtue is not a word in common use in society at large, but it is common to hear parents, teachers and children talk about being loving, respectful, honest, thankful, brave, fair, compassionate, forgiving, etc. At St Clement’s, we believe that virtues build ethos and are ways that help us to live a good Catholic Education - The Flourishing of the whole and to follow the right path.  A virtue is a quality of good character, character which is shaped by the performance of virtues: one honest act does not make a person honest, but a determination to be honest performed in a series of honest acts throughout one’s life makes one an honest person – we are what we repeatedly do! Virtues encourage a habitual way of behaving, a disposition, that forms good character and, at the same time, constitute a particular kind of community. Our community!

“Virtues to Live By” is a resource created by the Diocese of Leeds with the creative and financial support of the Leeds Diocesan Association of Primary Headteachers.

“Virtues to Live By” enables our school to explore each virtue over a three week period (two per half term) to improve the school community’s virtue literacy and to deepen understanding and appreciation of the essential role the virtues play in the education of the whole person towards human flourishing. The virtues chosen are common across cultures and faiths, but are sourced from the Christian tradition.

We have embedded the virtues into school life through – displaying the current ‘Virtue to live by’ in the main entrance, hall  and all classrooms.

  • awarding certificates fortnightly in our Anchor Assembly celebrating those who have shown the monthly ‘Virtue to live by’
  • incorporating the virtue into whole school worship as we go forth each week
  • enjoying Circle Times linked to the monthly ‘Virtue to live by’
  • taking part in a weekly Key Stage worship based on the current ‘Virtue to live by’
  • integrating the virtues into our weekly RE planning where appropriate.

“Virtues to Live By” is a resource created by the Diocese of Leeds with the creative and financial support of  the Leeds Diocesan Association of Primary Headteachers.


Image showing the chosen virtues by academic year.