Welcome to Year 2 Chimps class. Children will enjoy a diverse and stimulating curriculum in Year 2. They are now at the top of KS1 and we will be focussing on deepening what they have learnt already across Reception and Year 1 as well as mastering the Year 2 curriculum, getting them ready for KS2. They will become more independent in their learning and try to be the best they can be by being reflective, responding to feedback, editing and taking care with the presentation of their work. Our focus in Year 2 is that they are happy and growing in confidence to ensure they are in the best place to respond to the end of Key Stage assessments.
Class Curriculum Information
Y2 Curriculum map: Summer term 2023-2024
Y2 Knowledge Organiser: What is a monarch? (History)
Y2 Knowledge Organiser: Plant growth (Science)
Y2 Knowledge Organiser: What is it like to live by the coast? (Geography)
End of Year Age Related Expectations
Suggested reading
Great Books Guide 2023: 6-7 year olds