Year 5

Welcome to the Tigers class. This year we will be learning about the Tudors, Greeks, exploring the solar system and sending a report from Mars! There is too much more to put on one page.  We will strive to create independent learners who can be reflective and happy with their own progress. Jesus will be with us every day and to celebrate this we will be having a retreat day where the children will explore their faith and strengthen the ties with their classmates. Moreover, we have started meditative prayer to focus ourselves on Christ.

The year 5 team look forward to an exciting and productive year.

Class Curriculum Information

Y5 Curriculum map: Spring 2024

Y5 Knowledge Organiser: Life cycles and reproduction (Science)

Y5 Knowledge Organiser: Earth and space (Science)

Y5 Knowledge Organiser: What did the Greeks ever do for us? (History)

Y5 Knowledge Organiser: Why do oceans matter? (Geography)

End of Year Age Related Expectations

Suggested reading

Great Books Guide 2023: 8-9 year olds