Design Technology

We aim to provide a high-quality Design and Technology Curriculum which will inspire and challenge our pupils by:

  • Providing a curriculum which will develop key technical knowledge and skills
  • Teaching the technical vocabulary to enable pupils to discuss, investigate and evaluate designs
  • Designing and making products for a purpose and user
  • Investigating and evaluating existing products and their own products

Early Years Foundation Stage

At St Clement’s, staff follow the Early Years curriculum and the achievement of the Early Learning Goals for Expressive Arts and Design ‘Exploring and Using Media and Materials’ and ‘Being Imaginative. For further information, please see the EYFS Curriculum.

What our pupils will learn in Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 (intent):

As a school, we have chosen to use a published scheme, Kapow Design and Technology, which uses the content from the D & T Association’s ‘Projects on a Page’, to teach the Design Technology Curriculum in Key Stage 1 and 2. The Scheme of Work meets the requirements for the National Curriculum for Design and Technology, and enables our teachers to deliver creative, inspiring and engaging lessons. The scheme also provides for progression in skills and knowledge. The curriculum content covers the following areas:

  • Cooking and Nutrition,
  • Mechanisms,
  • Structures,
  • Textiles,
  • Electrical Systems.

Four strands of the Design and Technology Curriculum run through each unit (Design, Make, Evaluate and Technical Knowledge) and the fifth strand, Cooking and Nutrition is a standalone unit each year. Where possible, links are made with other curriculum subjects, as these will often lend ‘purpose’ and ‘user’ for the products which pupils will design and make. A rolling programme ensures that all pupils are taught the full entitlement of Design and Technology curriculum within our mixed age class structure. Please click on the link below to see our rolling programme.

How our pupils will be taught the Design and Technology Curriculum (implementation):

We teach the Kapow Scheme of Work for Design and Technology for Key Stage 1 and 2 in either a block of lessons each term or in short weekly sessions.

Progression and Assessment in KS1 and KS2:

Pupils’ learning (knowledge and skills) is assessed during and at the end of the unit, using the assessment materials in the Kapow scheme of work. The assessments contribute to a summative judgement at the end of the year. The Kapow scheme of work includes ‘Knowledge Organisers’ for each unit; these will be used to help pupils to remember what they have learned in previous topics. Photographs, pupil sketch books and observations of pupils will be used to gather evidence for assessment. Please select the link below to download the progression document.


The impact of the curriculum will be reviewed at the end of the year through observations and assessments of pupils’ learning, reviews of pupils’ work and through pupil discussions about their learning.

