Year 1

Welcome to Year 1! We are looking forward to an exciting year that will build upon your child’s wonderful experiences and achievements in Early Years.

In Year 1, children make the transition from play-based learning in Foundation Stage to more structured, independent learning in Year 1.  The children embark on their learning journey through Key Stage 1 where they follow the subjects of the National Curriculum including English, Maths, Science, Computing, History, Geography, Art, DT and PE. During Year 1, our pupils will be exploring ideas, discovering different ways to learn and will enjoy a variety of interesting and new experiences. Children continue to have access to many of the valuable learning resources used in Reception, as we aim to make learning as hands on and practical as possible. We value the importance of children having a positive attitude towards their learning. Children are encouraged to become confident and resilient learners who appreciate and become excited by learning. We will endeavour to instil a love of learning by offering the children inspiring, relevant topics that engage, motivate and challenge them. We will continue to support the children on their faith journey by living out the Gospel values and our school
mission statement: “Growing together in love and learning”, in our daily lives. In Year 1, we focus on embedding the reading and phonics skills acquired in Early Years as well as deepening their understanding of number and developing their ability to explain their reasoning and understanding. This year, we will all work hard together to create a positive learning environment where pupils can be the best that they can be and reach their full potential.

Class Curriculum Information

Y1 Curriculum map: Summer term 2023-2024

Y1 Knowledge Organiser: What is it like to live in Shanghai? (Geography)

Y1 Knowledge Organiser: How have explorers changed the world (Geography)

Y1 Knowledge organiser: Introduction to plants (Science)

End of Year Age Related Expectations

Suggested books

Great Book Guide 2023:4-5 year olds